Month: October 2020

What You Need to Know About Trade Compliance

By: Adrienne Braumiller & Vicky Wu Braumiller Law Group
George Tuttle III, Law Offices of George R. Tuttle

On September 10, 2020, HMTX Industries and related companies, Halstead and Metroflor, filed a lawsuit in the Court of International Trade (“CIT”) alleging that the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) exceeded its authority when it issued tariffs under …

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protests cit

To File or Not to File Protests?

By: Adrienne Braumiller & Vicky Wu Braumiller Law Group
George Tuttle III, Law Offices of George R. Tuttle

On September 10, 2020, HMTX Industries and related companies, Halstead and Metroflor, filed a lawsuit in the Court of International Trade (“CIT”) alleging that the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) exceeded its authority when it issued tariffs under …

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Mexico Agreement on Trade Facilitation

The Mexico Agreement on Trade Facilitation

By: Brenda Cordova, Braumiller Law Group Mexico Counsel

On April 6, 2017, Mexico published in the Mexican Official Gazette an enactment decree to amend the Marrakech Agreement that created the World Trade Organization (WTO). This amendment consisted of the incorporation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation (ATF) set out in Annex 1A to the WTO …

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steel import monitoring and analysis

Recent Changes to Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis System

By: Paul Fudacz, Partner, Braumiller Law Group

On September 11, 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration published a final rule modifying its regulations pertaining to the Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis (SIMA) System. These changes include requiring steel import license applicants to identify the country where the steel used in the manufacture …

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export controls colleges universities

Export Controls on Campus A Learning Experience

By: Bruce H. Leeds Senior Counsel, Braumiller Law Group

Colleges and universities – Ivy covered buildings with students and faculty engaged in academic pursuits. Colleges and universities – Hotbeds of export control concerns. What?? The halls of academia have increasingly become involved with export control issues. There are several ways that universities are potentially affected …

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section 301 CIT Litigation

Section 301 CIT Litigation: Current Status and What’s Next?

By: Brandon French, Associate Attorney, BLG

As many importers are aware, a lawsuit was brought against the United States arguing that the List 3 and List 4A tariffs violated The Trade Act of 1974, as well as the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Once the initial lawsuit was filed by HMTX on September 10th, companies rushed …

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covid 19 ppe trade china

“The Wild Wild East”… PPE Trade with Asia During the Pandemic

By: S. George Alfonso, Of Counsel, Braumiller Law Group

PPE: The Inverted Profit Potential in the Age of the Pandemic Since the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic we’ve witnessed a myriad of businesses in all areas of commerce crash or even succumb all together to the drastic, unforeseen and continuing prohibitions and restrictions which …

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Tariffs and Trade

Tariffs and Trade

By: Robert Stein, Braumiller Consulting Group

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana. As an example of this I present

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FDI in Mexico


作者: 王烨, 资深律师, Braumiller 律师事务所

中国在墨西哥的外国直接投资 (FDI) 近年来显着增长,这反映了中国与全球经济格局转变和区域贸易动态的战略性协调。这一趋势使中国成为墨西哥增长最快的外国投资来源国之一,其中大部分投资流向制造业。

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What You Need to Know About Trade Compliance

By: Adrienne Braumiller & Vicky Wu Braumiller Law Group
George Tuttle III, Law Offices of George R. Tuttle

On September 10, 2020, HMTX Industries and related companies, Halstead and Metroflor, filed a lawsuit in the Court of International Trade (“CIT”) alleging that the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) exceeded its authority when it issued tariffs under …

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protests cit

To File or Not to File Protests?

By: Adrienne Braumiller & Vicky Wu Braumiller Law Group
George Tuttle III, Law Offices of George R. Tuttle

On September 10, 2020, HMTX Industries and related companies, Halstead and Metroflor, filed a lawsuit in the Court of International Trade (“CIT”) alleging that the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) exceeded its authority when it issued tariffs under …

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Mexico Agreement on Trade Facilitation

The Mexico Agreement on Trade Facilitation

By: Brenda Cordova, Braumiller Law Group Mexico Counsel

On April 6, 2017, Mexico published in the Mexican Official Gazette an enactment decree to amend the Marrakech Agreement that created the World Trade Organization (WTO). This amendment consisted of the incorporation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation (ATF) set out in Annex 1A to the WTO …

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steel import monitoring and analysis

Recent Changes to Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis System

By: Paul Fudacz, Partner, Braumiller Law Group

On September 11, 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration published a final rule modifying its regulations pertaining to the Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis (SIMA) System. These changes include requiring steel import license applicants to identify the country where the steel used in the manufacture …

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export controls colleges universities

Export Controls on Campus A Learning Experience

By: Bruce H. Leeds Senior Counsel, Braumiller Law Group

Colleges and universities – Ivy covered buildings with students and faculty engaged in academic pursuits. Colleges and universities – Hotbeds of export control concerns. What?? The halls of academia have increasingly become involved with export control issues. There are several ways that universities are potentially affected …

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section 301 CIT Litigation

Section 301 CIT Litigation: Current Status and What’s Next?

By: Brandon French, Associate Attorney, BLG

As many importers are aware, a lawsuit was brought against the United States arguing that the List 3 and List 4A tariffs violated The Trade Act of 1974, as well as the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Once the initial lawsuit was filed by HMTX on September 10th, companies rushed …

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covid 19 ppe trade china

“The Wild Wild East”… PPE Trade with Asia During the Pandemic

By: S. George Alfonso, Of Counsel, Braumiller Law Group

PPE: The Inverted Profit Potential in the Age of the Pandemic Since the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic we’ve witnessed a myriad of businesses in all areas of commerce crash or even succumb all together to the drastic, unforeseen and continuing prohibitions and restrictions which …

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