Victoria Holmes

foreign direct investment

Foreign Direct Investment Trends in 2024

By: Victoria Holmes, Braumiller Law Group
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a driving force behind global economic growth and development, acting as a lifeline of funding for nations around the world. Imagine a company from one corner of the globe setting up shop or acquiring a business in another – that’s FDI in action.

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Trade and Food Security

The Nexus of Trade and Food Security Amid Global Conflicts

By: Victoria Holmes, Braumiller Law Group
The intricate interplay between trade and food security has emerged as a vital global issue, one that is closely interwoven with the tapestry of international conflicts and political instability. Remember the 2019 pandemic when toilet paper supply chains were interrupted?  Now imagine that on a much larger scale with basic food staples like rice, wheat or corn.

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Taiwan, Invasion & Trade, Part 2

By: Victoria Holmes, Braumiller Law Group
President elect Lai Ching-te’s victory in Taipei ignited tensions across the Taiwan strait and now the geopolitical field waits to see if China will kick off World War Three. I’m only slightly joking, but Beijing has exerted diplomatic pressure on nations maintaining close ties with the island in the past and Taiwan’s decision to remain a democracy will no doubt ramp up China’s reunification process in the coming months. But how will that affect trade relations?

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The Domino Effect: What Would an Invasion of Taiwan Mean for Global Trade

By: Victoria Holmes, Braumiller Law Group
Tensions are escalating in the South China Sea, a vital maritime route for international trade. Taiwan remains at the center of this conflict and in an increasingly interconnected world, the prospect of a Taiwan invasion has far-reaching implications for global trade and geopolitics. It’s becoming even more crucial to understand the potential repercussions of such an event on the global economy as a potential invasion from China becomes increasingly more likely.

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