Month: January 2015

Trade Cases – 2014, a Year in Review

The U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) had a busy year in 2014. It decided 163 cases, the most since 2007. Based on these cases, importers glean current regulatory trends and several important lessons.

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Canada Customs to Allow New Refunds

By way of its publication of the first Customs Notice of the year, CN 15-001, “Treatment of Downward Price Adjustments in Value for Duty Calculations”, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has brought about a fairly substantive revision to a time-honored tenet of its valuation policies.

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Tariffs and Trade

Tariffs and Trade

By: Robert Stein, Braumiller Consulting Group

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana. As an example of this I present

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FDI in Mexico


作者: 王烨, 资深律师, Braumiller 律师事务所

中国在墨西哥的外国直接投资 (FDI) 近年来显着增长,这反映了中国与全球经济格局转变和区域贸易动态的战略性协调。这一趋势使中国成为墨西哥增长最快的外国投资来源国之一,其中大部分投资流向制造业。

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Trade Cases – 2014, a Year in Review

The U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) had a busy year in 2014. It decided 163 cases, the most since 2007. Based on these cases, importers glean current regulatory trends and several important lessons.

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Canada Customs to Allow New Refunds

By way of its publication of the first Customs Notice of the year, CN 15-001, “Treatment of Downward Price Adjustments in Value for Duty Calculations”, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has brought about a fairly substantive revision to a time-honored tenet of its valuation policies.

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