Bob Brewer


BRICS–A Focus on De-Dollarization and Global Expansion

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

The new world order apparently has some merit as more than 30 nations have reportedly submitted applications to join the BRICS alliance wanting to reduce reliance on the US dollar. This wave of applications is a testament to the trust in the BRICS alliance as a viable option to a traditional economic structure. The BRICS alliance has broad shoulders and is representative of considerable economic growth.

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De Minimis

De Minimis An Ever-Growing Problem of De Maximus Proportion

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

De minimis is a term that refers to a threshold below which certain goods are exempt from import duties or taxes. However, in the landscape of international trade, it has become a contentious issue for the United States. Those “bad actors”, and even some, not so bad, but willing to take advantage of a loophole have found a way around the tariffs. This so-called loophole of allowing goods with a fair retail value of $800 or less to enter the U.S. without paying an import tariff has become a monster that Customs needs to find a way to deal with conclusively.

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parallel imports

Parallel Imports, A Global Phenomenon, And a Very Grey Area Regarding International Trade 

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

At the core of the definition, a Parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. They are also goods that are not authorized for importation into the U.S. It’s a global phenomenon, a very grey area, and their presence varies across different parts of the globe.

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United States-Taiwan

Taiwan – U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative, More Than Just a Trade Agreement. A Statement to Beijing Perhaps

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

A little over a year ago on June 1, 2022, the United States and Taiwan launched the United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade to deepen their economic ties and trade relationship, and advance mutual trade priorities based on shared values, promoting innovation, and economic growth for workers and businesses. About 2 months ago the agreement was made official.

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China and Australia Bilateral Trade

World Trade and Invasion, One Year Later – Are We on the Brink of a New World Order?  

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

The UN General Assembly recently called once again for ending the war in Ukraine and demanded Russia’s immediate withdrawal from the country, in line with the UN Charter. To say the least, this obviously fell on totally deaf ears as Xi Jinping put on display in Moscow the limitless friendship and bonding with Putin, all while missiles continued to be fired into Ukraine in the scheduled daily barrage. Keep in mind, China’s trade with the U.S. and E.U. is 10xs that of Russia @ $1.62 trillion vs $190 million annually, making this recent visit a true head scratcher economically speaking on the surface.

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China and India trade with Russia at record levels

China and India, A Year Later, Post Invasion, Still Walking the Tightrope With the U.S. as They Continue to Set Records in Trade with Russia

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

China’s trade with Russia hit a record $190 billion U.S. in 2022, key operative word “record.” China is setting a course to become Russia’s top trade partner and prove to the world just what the “no limits” partnership can produce. An additional “maybe some limits” friend to Russia among the world’s larger economies is India.

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Special Trade Status

Is There Any Hope for Hong Kong to Regain its Special Trade Status with the U.S.? (It’s Officially Hong-China now)

By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

It seems like it was a couple decades ago, but it was only about 5 years that I was last in Hong Kong on business. I was staying at a very nice upscale hotel (plenty to choose from) directly across from a massive port, marveling at the operations that seemed to go 24/7 with the incoming ships stacked with a mountain of containers.

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Tuas Megaport

Tuas Megaport in Singapore, An Upcoming Model to the World in Port Operations, and soon to be Light Years Ahead of the Globes Largest Ports

By: Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group
The Maritime Port Authority (MPA in Singapore) is currently in the process of building the Tuas Port, which will be the biggest port in the world with a capacity of 60 million TEU’s (twenty-foot equivalent units) once it is fully completed in 2040. PSA, the company taking the lead in the construction has implemented a four-phase process, with the first phase officially opening this September 2022, with three berths being operational.

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us china relations

Relations Between the U.S. and China In One Word, Dismal Is a Decline in Trade Inevitable?

By: Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

It’s goes without saying, but I will say it anyway, the recent visit to Taiwan by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi certainly didn’t help the already strained relations much, but within her reasoning for defiance of Beijing, the democracies of the world must stand together. The Chinese Embassy has now threatened to go to war with the U.S. over Taiwan.

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Incursion and World Trade, Part 3: Over 120+ Days into the Global Effect of Inevitable Food Insecurity

By: Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

Here we are, at the time of this writing over four months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with no end in sight. I will personally submit that I am, appalled that this, the murder of innocent civilians and devastation of another country’s infrastructure, can be permitted to continue, as we watch from the sidelines as if it was just another simple documentary on another war.

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China’s Dual Circulation Policy

By: Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

Almost two years now into the global pandemic and the world’s two most powerful economies are having to take a hard long look at their supply chain shortcomings, as well as becoming economically self-sufficient to a great extent. During the pandemic it became painfully obvious that the U.S. has become far too dependent on China for imports of many essential needs.

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trade war china

The U.S. Strike Force on Unfair Trade A Global Perspective, But It’s Really Just About China

By: By Bob Brewer, Braumiller Law Group

In the ongoing tit-for-tat trade war with China and the U.S., new developments are actually old policies, but seem to be resurfacing as the escalation in loss of patience continues to bring about more protectionism. It’s a global implementation, but the United States will target China with a new “strike force” to combat unfair trade practices.

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