Month: February 2017

A Day at the Beach

A calming, soothing, and relaxing piece complete with beach scenes, splashing waves, palm trees swaying in a warm breeze, very mellow spa music (no narrator needed), and of course, a little information about our companies.

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It’s Not Magic – Just Good Business

Braumiller Law Group, PLLC, is a highly respected international trade law firm based out of Dallas, TX, with offices in the U.S. and Mexico. Yes we have, on many occasions, made some magic happen, when it came to saving our clients’ money from potentially large Customs penalties.

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A New Alliance for 2017: Spark Compliance Consulting & Braumiller Law Group

Braumiller Law and Braumiller Consulting Groups are thrilled to announce our new strategic alliance with Spark Compliance Consulting. Spark Compliance Consulting is dedicated to working with its clients to create, maintain, and optimize world-class compliance & ethics programs that not only drive business success, but spark positive change throughout these organizations.

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Tariffs and Trade

Tariffs and Trade

By: Robert Stein, Braumiller Consulting Group

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana. As an example of this I present

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FDI in Mexico


作者: 王烨, 资深律师, Braumiller 律师事务所

中国在墨西哥的外国直接投资 (FDI) 近年来显着增长,这反映了中国与全球经济格局转变和区域贸易动态的战略性协调。这一趋势使中国成为墨西哥增长最快的外国投资来源国之一,其中大部分投资流向制造业。

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A Day at the Beach

A calming, soothing, and relaxing piece complete with beach scenes, splashing waves, palm trees swaying in a warm breeze, very mellow spa music (no narrator needed), and of course, a little information about our companies.

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It’s Not Magic – Just Good Business

Braumiller Law Group, PLLC, is a highly respected international trade law firm based out of Dallas, TX, with offices in the U.S. and Mexico. Yes we have, on many occasions, made some magic happen, when it came to saving our clients’ money from potentially large Customs penalties.

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A New Alliance for 2017: Spark Compliance Consulting & Braumiller Law Group

Braumiller Law and Braumiller Consulting Groups are thrilled to announce our new strategic alliance with Spark Compliance Consulting. Spark Compliance Consulting is dedicated to working with its clients to create, maintain, and optimize world-class compliance & ethics programs that not only drive business success, but spark positive change throughout these organizations.

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