Kim Martin, a former Import Specialist for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for 10 years, is knowledgeable in a myriad of Customs requirements and regulations including tariff classification, Anti-dumping and Countervailing (ADD/CVD), Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and other government agency requirements. While at CBP, she was responsible for verifying commercial invoice descriptions against the classifications declared, entered value, applicability of ADD/CVD and FTA’s.
Kim sat for the Customs Broker’s License Exam in October 2013 and received her Broker’s License in February 2014.
She has worked in the brokerage industry for 11 years since leaving U.S. Customs. Kim’s responsibilities include reviewing, auditing and processing entry documents. This includes transmission into the Automated Broker Interface, verifying results, addressing any possible discrepancies, ensuring entries are released and paid via Automated Clearing House, and if required, manual submission to Customs.
Kim joins Braumiller Consulting Group as a Senior Trade Advisor. Feel free to send congratulatory emails to her at